Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean quis turpis a elit fermentum pretium nec in est. Suspendisse potenti. Aenean pretium, enim vel sodales condimentum, odio erat semper nisi, vitae egestas risus purus at justo. Phasellus quis massa luctus lectus vulputate placerat. Vestibulum vitae porta massa. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Praesent tempor lacinia luctus. Sed in est nec tortor ultrices blandit in ac tortor. Nullam semper lobortis ullamcorper. Donec non urna eu risus mattis accumsan quis id risus. Donec gravida semper pellentesque. Cras mollis elit sit amet quam pretium, bibendum hendrerit odio cursus. Mauris dictum lorem ipsum, quis lobortis leo commodo id. Mauris hendrerit ante id dolor laoreet, quis ultricies diam tristique. Vivamus ac egestas ligula. Ut mattis accumsan arcu, sit amet finibus magna fringilla eu.
Phasellus sed hendrerit urna, ac congue urna. Proin faucibus tellus aliquet felis vulputate dignissim. Etiam et pretium elit, ut placerat urna. Nam convallis mi turpis, interdum condimentum ex sagittis ac. In sed tellus dictum, dapibus leo id, ultricies nisl. Nunc est est, congue vitae nisl in, dictum ullamcorper mauris. Phasellus tortor neque, volutpat ut suscipit at, rutrum nec mauris.
Vivamus nec ante ante. Donec nulla massa, convallis pharetra gravida ac, varius sit amet arcu. Nam et ligula magna. Fusce et urna odio. Vestibulum quis turpis lacus. Nulla facilisi. Nunc vel nisl libero. Aliquam eu sem hendrerit urna mattis malesuada. Fusce venenatis augue lacinia erat ultrices tempus. Integer iaculis nulla in pretium scelerisque.
Nullam malesuada nibh eu efficitur aliquet. Curabitur hendrerit velit sed quam semper, ac suscipit ante pulvinar. In interdum molestie auctor. Vivamus congue malesuada dui vehicula eleifend. Nam pellentesque accumsan feugiat. Etiam vel ultricies felis, sed dignissim nulla. Duis lacinia erat cursus, blandit neque vel, semper arcu. Praesent eget facilisis enim.
Nam congue tellus nulla, sit amet efficitur odio efficitur vitae. Nulla non dictum quam, tincidunt egestas risus. Ut bibendum quam in eros vulputate, eu aliquet augue rhoncus. Nullam porttitor lobortis enim in fermentum. Quisque ultricies eget felis quis rutrum. Fusce congue faucibus dui, commodo viverra massa convallis vel. Vivamus diam orci, tincidunt ut tincidunt ac, lobortis placerat est. Praesent rhoncus quis mi id consectetur. Curabitur non enim ut arcu hendrerit rhoncus vel in lacus. Nunc vitae rhoncus enim, sit amet feugiat leo. Donec vehicula nisi sed libero hendrerit, id rutrum lectus tincidunt. Nam in eleifend odio. Quisque tempus a magna in pretium. Aliquam sed scelerisque risus, non dignissim velit.
Patience, practical solutions to my problems were given
It was really difficult for me to talk to someone but the listener made it seem so easy. Thank you ❤️
She or he just listen to me without making assumptions and judging me. She or he willing to listen and did not give me any advice that is harmful or hurting my feelings. Good listener if you don’t want to get judged or be put on the pedestal.
Amazing personality…..just give it a try and you will get huge relief… believe me
Good listener gave me some good consolation i really liked it it helped me a lot to come over my current situation thanks
Great listener, knows how to continue the conversation and talk you through about your issues you dealing with. Very caring and kind at the same time. Just an amazing human being 🙂
Literally amazing from the start, never met such a caring listener who helped me with my issues and analyzed what I was saying to find a solution. AMAZINg
A great listener who validated me and was very level headed
Keepgoing02 is a great listener. He/ She has patience to listen to my story and gives sound advice. My issue is a small one but nonetheless I appreciate Keepgoing02’s help.
it was a helpful chat , the listener helped to change my mood and made me feel calm
after the conversation with this person, I felt a lot better. Very positive and completely nonjudgmental. I highly appreciate such genuine listeners
Had a really sweet and simple chat. Exactly what I needed right now, just someone to let me talk for a while. Was really kind and gentle and very encouraging.
Only word comes to my mind.. thankyou..i felt loved and cared… 🤗 I really really appreciate it….My words feel short ….
Kind and listens patiently..feels like speaking to a friend
Good listener tries their best to understand you and help you
Really kind and sweet. Tries to help others no matter what .
You dont feel like your problems are small or stupid, you actually feel heard
Absolutely wonderful it was a space without guilt or judgement just acceptance and warmth
really really helpful and a good listener, never showed any signs of being annoyed or anything. So thanks a lot!! 🙂
was a patient and comforting listener. Made me feel so much better
He showed care to me and understand my situation well
Very helpful and made me feel safe and less bad about myself
loved it so much helpful and also supporting
he is patient and gives me hope every time I come up with a problem.. he is very positive
Really a great listener. Listened to me very patiently. Thank you very much for being helpful
Amazing listener, truly understands and practices the art of listening and allows safe space for sharing. Am glad to have found him here 🙂